Wednesday 4 February 2015

7 easy weight loss tips

These weight loss tips will help you to flush out a lot of extra pounds, if you are trying to lose quite a bit of weight. These 7 easy weight loss tips will easily slip into your everyday life, if you are already in decent physical condition, to mold your body to an even greater point.

In order to get rid of any amount of excess weight, you must speed up metabolism. Your metabolism is a biochemical process that occurs within your body in order to maintain life.

Your metabolism helps to destroy nutrients in your bloodstream. This helps you to add more lean muscle, resulting in a greater expenditure of energy, meaning you'll burn more fat.

If you are active, you can use up an enormous amount of energy. These weight loss tips listed below will help you achieve this. However, if you aren't active you won't be able to burn up much at all, meaning you'll have a tendency to easily add fat to your body.

If you incorporate these weight loss steps with your healthy and active lifestyle you can speed up your metabolism quite remarkably.
     1.      Eat specific foods:
A number of food additives, like spices, can help to speed up your metabolism by creating a thermodynamic burn that has been shown to last a few hours after you eat.

2.  Take your meals timely:
You should be taking majority of your calories earlier in the day than at night. Your meals should contain less total calories in a day. Don't skip any meals. You should be eating 4 - 6 meals each day.

3.     Make sure you eat enough:
One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is they don't eat enough.

If you don’t consume the appropriate amount of calories, then your body starts conserving energy to prepare for possible starvation.

On the contrary, if you take too many calories the excess will be stored as fat. You need to workout to burn that fat from your body. Therefore, when it comes to calorie consumption MODERATION is the key.

4.     Increase your daily activities:
To avoid fat storage you must increase your daily activities.

The formula for weight loss is very simple. The more calories you burn, the faster you will lose weight. This needs to include weight training and cardiovascular training.

The best you can do is exercise first thing in the morning. Researches have proven that exercising after a fasted state drastically increases your fat burning ability. 

 5.     Warm up your muscles:
Do weight lifting before doing any cardiovascular work in order to get the most out of your weight training.

This is important because you need the energy in your muscles for weight training. By the time your session is complete you will have used up all of your preferred energy sources.

This means that you will actually be burning fat cells during your cardio session.

6.    Change up your exercise routine on a regular basis:
This is important because if you do the same thing week after week, month after month then a time will come when your body will get used to with what you are doing to it and will eventually stop making changes.

Therefore, in order to keep on adding more lean muscle you should change some part of you exercise every 2-3 weeks.
7.      Meal combinations:
Always take protein / carbohydrate meals in the day time. Eat protein / fat combination meals in the late afternoon and evening. Never ever take fat and carbohydrates together in the same meal.

Make sure that the first meal you take after your workout consists of proteins and carbohydrates.

With these weight loss tips you will surely speed up your metabolism and burn excess body fat at a much faster rate.

Try out these weight loss tips and you'll notice a difference after a couple of weeks which will motivate you to continue them further.

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